VivaWomen Los Angeles Co-Lead

provide programming and initiatives for women in their professional and personal goals
and collaborate with other resource groups on intersectional events and discussions

VivaWomen is a global Publicis Groupe business resource group (BRG) with chapters at advertising agencies all over the world. We provide programming, support, and a community of professional women and their allies to grow in their goals.

I began volunteering as co-lead the Team One chapter of VivaWomen in early 2018, and became the Los Angeles co-lead at the beginning of 2020. I hold monthly meetings with our members, during which I provide updates for upcoming events we're planning, collaborate with our members for future programming opportunities, and foster discussion around a designated monthly topic. These topics include how to make yourself heard, negotiating for pay raises and promotions why women are socialized to apologize and how to stop, etc. During these discussions, I pose questions to our members, encourage quieter members to speak up, and provide support and understanding to those that share their experiences.

I work with a limited budget to plan events such as:

  • Finding Your Purpose with Patrice Tanaka, collaboration event with VivaWomen of Color
  • Self-Care in the time of Coronovirus and Working from Home with Erica Spiegelman, collaboration event with Publicis Parents
  • Salary Negotiation 101 with Claire Wasserman of Ladies Get Paid
  • It Gets Better: Connecting Through Inclusive Language, collaboration with Egalite

These events bring value not only to our members, but to our entire agency. We raise awareness of issues, and provide programming that the agency otherwise would not be hosting to all employees.

Under my leadership, VivaWomen has worked hard to partner with other Los Angeles BRGs to provide intersectional programming, such as the events listed above. This not only sends a clear message that VivaWomen does not exist in a vaccum but also serves the practical purpose of maximizing the limited budgets that each BRG receives each year. I organize bi-weekly meetings with my Team One BRG leads to collaborate on how we can come together and support each other, and where it makes sense to partner on future events.

I am incredibly passionate about the work that I do with VivaWomen, and it is one of the highlights of my career while working at Team One.

VivaWomen members make a meal for residents at the Alexandria House

VivaWomen members eat lunch together on International Women's Day

VivaWomen members pose with Irene Ortiz-Glass after her morning workshop session, Living with Power through Purpose